Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jogging in the Rain... Or Being Somewhere I Never Thought I'd Be

So, I'm heading toward 40; not there yet, but heading. Since August 1, 2008, my life has changed a ton and it keeps on changing, everyday.

Last week, Lorna and I started running. We'd been training for a 5K at the gym all summer, then my dental surgery went bad and we missed the race. So, we decided to do road training - man, is it different! I don't love it, but we're doing it, if for no other reason than to help build bone strength.

Today I woke up, the cold front had come down and it was raining. Man, I wanted to stay in bed, Lorna wanted to stay in bed, the bassets were voting bed. But we got up.

We got dressed.

Shoes on.

iPod on.

Hat on.

Off we went.

No one fell. No one died. It was easier today than it was last week.


I jogged.

In the rain.

On purpose without a man with a chainsaw chasing me.

Weird, huh?

Exercise: 45 minute walk with dogs, then see above
Craft: *snort* Too busy today


  1. Isn't it just the WEIRDEST thing? Running on purpose in bad weather. I would NEVER have believed it of myself last year. And here I am. :D

    Go us!


  2. I *know*.

    I need to make you your glo-in-the-dark hat, huh?

  3. HEE! That would be hysterical :D

