Sunday, January 9, 2011

My 40th birthday

So, so far, my birthday's been amazing.

I slept so well last night (first night without broken sleep in 3 1/2 weeks). My daddy, moma, and my best friend from high school called an sang. Lorna and Larry sang. (Then, in a glorious surprise solo, Lily sang to me. Best birthday song EVER.)

Had lovely vegan enchiladas for brunch with my Ls at Mother's Cafe. Then I was taken yarn shopping (enough for a new shawl, some wool to finish my slippers, smaller circular needles, amazing chunky orange yarn of hugeness, and wool for MY NEW LOOM! EEEEEEE! *ahem*). I bought 2 Mexican pornographic graphic novels at a junk store to make journals from. Lorna bought me a stuffed flying monkey.

Then we Whole Fooded so I can try making ground meats with humanely raised organic chicken/pork.

Now I'm drinking coffee (out of the neatest coffee cup in the history of the world) and writing.

40 is starting out just fine, thank you. *smooches*

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